Oil Resistant Conveyor Belt

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About Oil Resistant Conveyor Belt

Oil Resistant Conveyor Belt Exporters

Bombay Belting group is an emerging and one of the leading Oil Resistant Bombay Belting manufacturer in the belting industry globally. We provide exclusive and superior quality of oil resistant belt which are used for conveying the components and parts coated with machine oil, heavy oil-treated coal in cooking and electric power generating plants. These belt are also used for carrying soybean draff, fish meat and other oily materials containing non-polar organic solvents & fuel.

Our technical team and highly professional experts design and manufacture these belt in a manner that these are not affected by any kind of oil like paraffin oil, naphthenic-based oils, petrol, animal or vegetable fats, etc.Bombay Belting’s Oil Resistant bombay belting is manufactured using specially tailored rubber compounds and is suitable for conveying a wide range of materials that may either contain or are coated with oil.

Latest Technology

Oil Resistant Conveyor Belt Suppliers

We make sure that every client should be satisfied with our products, therefore, our Oil resistant conveyor belt and other belting products are being tested under DIN, BS, AS, SANS, JIS, IS standards. Also, we are the best Oil Resistant Conveyor belt supplier and exporter in the market.

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If you’d like to talk to us about a project, or anything else, we’d love to hear from you.

    Details Of Product

    • Oil Resistant belt are suitable for following things
    • Concrete and Solvent Extraction Plants
    • Waste sorting and Compost Machines
    • Scrap Recycling
    • Sawmills
    • Paper industry
    • Recycling and mineral processing plants
    • Metal Processing Industry
    • Timber Industry
    • It has excellent resistance to damaging effects while conveying oil contaminated or treated materials.
    • Oil Resistant belt are available in two kinds i.e. Anti abrasive type and ordinary type.
    • These are designed to convey oily materials, thereby resulting in higher belt life in Oil + Heat + Fire-resistant grades
    • Oil Resistant belt have a high degree of chemical resistance
    • These belt have unique properties to prevent material build-up
    • Available in various grades so that it can meet the requirements of the end-user.
    • Little reverse warping due to swelling caused by oil
    • Belt have High tensile strength.
    • These are Wear and tear-resistant property.


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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)